We asked for help on Friday night, in the stormiest weather. He came to our aid quickly, and the work was done quickly, precisely and humanely.
Thank you for your help, I can wholeheartedly recommend you to everyone.
Our services
Periodic tyre replacement
Defect repair
Sale of tyres and rims
Tyre storage
TPMS programming
Fleet tyre fitting
Why choose us!
1. Correct attitude, precise work
Yes, I’ll clean the hub too!
Yes, I’m going to trim the rear wheel!
Yes, I tighten the bolts with a torque wrench!
2. Huge stock of tyres and rims!
Almost all sizes of 1-piece used rubber are available immediately.
Large selection of new and used sets.
New and used sets in 1 day in almost all sizes.
In the event of a defect repair, we will take back the tyre purchased from us free of charge once the problem has been resolved.
3. Half year guarantee
E.g.: to repair defects
4. Centring on the spot
5. Large TPMS range
Your tyre pressure monitoring system can show you the reality again.
24-hour availability
8 years of professional experience
Even without an appointment
Half year guarantee
Favourable price
We take care of your rims
Helyszíni gumijavítással foglalkozom már 8 éve. Az évek során számos alkalommal kerestek meg olyan autósok, akik útszélen rekedtek defekt miatt és azonnali segítségre szorultak. Ez inspirált arra, hogy létrehozzam vállalkozásomat, melynek célja, hogy gyors és hatékony megoldást nyújtson azoknak, akik hirtelen defekttel szembesülnek.
Vállalkozásom alapítása óta több száz bajba jutott sofőrnek segítettem. Minden egyes alkalommal, amikor útnak indulok, az a célom, hogy a lehető leggyorsabban elérjem az ügyfeleket, és minimalizáljam a kellemetlenséget, amit a defekt okozhat. Munkám során kiemelt figyelmet fordítok a gyorsaságra, precizitásra és ügyfélközpontúságra, hiszen tudom, milyen frusztráló lehet egy ilyen helyzet.
Csalók László
Reviews of the Spirit 0-24 mobile tires
Price list
Choose from the options below
- Defect repair
- Tyre replacement
- Wheel replacement
- Other
- Disembarkation
Defect repair with delivery | |
During the day (7:00-18:00) | 19.500 Ft |
Evening supplement (18:00-22:00) | Basic fee + 20% |
Nightly supplement (22:00-7:00) | Basic fee + 30% |
Weekend supplement | Basic fee + 20% |
Up to 10 km | 0 Ft |
Over 10 km | 250 Ft / km |
Motorway | 7.000 Ft |
Underground garage/hard to reach place (where we can not park the car) |
5.000 Ft |
Our prices are tax exempt. If you request a VAT invoice for a company, you will have to pay 27% VAT in addition.
You will find the one-time delivery fee under the DISEMBAKATION tab!
For 3 cars at a time, we offer a 10% discount on the installation price.
The minimum service fee for a mobile tire car is 18.000 Ft.
Our prices are tax exempt. If you request a VAT invoice for a company, you will have to pay 27% VAT in addition.
Tyres (tyres to be fitted not on wheel) | |
LEMEZFELNI 12” – 18” | |
Tyre replacement (/car) | 16.000 Ft |
Tyre replacement (/car) | 17.000 Ft |
ALUMINIUM WHEEL 17” – 18” | |
Tyre replacement (/car) | 20.000 Ft |
ALUMINIUM WHEEL 19” – 20” | |
Tyre replacement (/car) | 23.000 Ft |
Tyre replacement (/car) | 27.000 Ft |
You will find the one-time delivery fee under the DISEMBAKATION tab!
For 3 cars at a time, we offer a 10% discount on the installation price.
The minimum service fee for a mobile tire car is 18.000 Ft.
Our prices are tax exempt. If you request a VAT invoice for a company, you will have to pay 27% VAT in addition.
Wheel replacement (tyre to be fitted is mounted on a rim) | |
LEMEZFELNI 12” – 18” | |
Wheel change (/car) | 13.000 Ft |
Wheel change (/car) | 14.000 Ft |
ALUMINIUM WHEEL 17” – 18” | |
Wheel change (/car) | 15.000 Ft |
ALUMINIUM WHEEL 19” – 20” | |
Wheel change (/car) | 16.000 Ft |
Wheel change (/car) | 17.000 Ft |
Other | |
TPMS tire valve housing | 2.500 Ft |
Valve house ( /piece) | 1.000 Ft |
Selective rubber takeover ( /piece) | 1.000 Ft |
TPMS retraining | 3.500 Ft |
Tire bag ( /piece) | 500 Ft |
SUV surcharge ( /wheel) | 500 Ft |
Storage | |
Tire storage ( /set/season) | 6.000 Ft |
Wheel storage ( /set/season) (Includes wheel washing fee) |
10.000 Ft |
Our prices are tax exempt. If you request a VAT invoice for a company, you will have to pay 27% VAT in addition.
Exit / location * | |
Budapest dist. 9, dist. 10., dist. 11, dist. 18, dist. 19, dist. 20, dist. 21, dist. 23, Alsónémedi, Dunaharaszti, Gyál | 3.000 Ft |
Budapest dist. 1, dist. 5, dist. 6, dist. 7, dist. 8, dist. 12, dist. 14, dist. 16, dist. 17, dist. 22, Felsőpakony, Ócsa, Szigetszentmiklós, Taksony, Vecsés | 4.000 Ft |
Budapest dist. 2, dist. 3, dist. 4, dist. 13, dist. 15, Budakalász, Budakeszi, Budaörs, Csömör, Diósd, Dunakeszi, Dunavarsány, Érd, Fót, Gyömrő, Halásztelek, Inárcs, Kakucs, Kistarcsa, Maglód, Nagytarcsa, Pécel, Szigethalom, Tárnok, Tököl, Törökbálint, Üllő | 5.000 Ft |
* In the case of multiple cars at a given address, we will charge you only ONCE for the drop-off.
Our prices are tax exempt. If you request a VAT invoice for a company, you will have to pay 27% VAT in addition.